Is Rey Anakin Skywalker?

There have been many different theories about Rey’s origins, such as her being Luke’s daughter, Han’s daughter, Obi-Wan’s granddaughter, or even some random person. The weirdest theory I saw was definitely: Rey being Anakin Skywalker. I thought it was stupid, but then I thought it could be true. Before you scroll on thinking this is baloney, hear me out. Here are some of the reasons I believe it is possible.

#1: The saga is based on Anakin. It is based on Anakin Skywalker and his decisions, as well as his family. Why would they just kill off the character?

#2: Darth Plagues. This also might fill up some missing gaps. What if Snoke is Plagues? He created Anakin with Midichlorians, and that was a success. Why not try again? Rey has no known parents, so it is completely possible.

#3: The Lightsaber. Rey has an immediate connection with the Lightsaber that belonged to Anakin. She gets whipped into this dream world, experiencing things that happened before. Does it have something to do with the fact that she had wield it before?

#4: Skills. Rey beats Kylo Ren in a one on one fight, and she had only touched it for a split second before. Could she be remembering how to fight with a lightsaber?

#5: Luke’s stare. Luke looks at Rey as if he recognizes her. Remember when Luke looks at his father without the mask? Maybe he sees some kind of similarly in the two.

#6: The Force. Rey seems to be really strong with the Force, like Anakin. She learns the Force really fast, like Anakin does (“I am a slow learner” -Anakin from Attack of the Clones).

Although this theory is the weirdest one ever, it’s still yet a possible theory. 

What Star Wars movie is the best?


What Star Wars movie is the best? You may have your own favorite-maybe A New Hope, or the brand new The Force Awakens. But have you ever considered which one was best? I have a list, counting down the Star Wars movies, worst to best. Remember that no spinoff or cartoons are going to be listed.

Number seven is The Attack of the Clones. Attack of the Clones was the worst Star Wars movie of all time. It was poorly made, had horrible lines, and bad acting. The action scenes were the better part of this poorly made movie (to read more on my opinion, read “Why I like The Phantom Menace better than The Attack of the Clones”).

Number six is The Phantom Menace. This movie is thought to be the biggest let-down in all movie history. It took a giant step down from one of my personal favorites, The Return of the Jedi. It has emotionless dialogue, other than Obi-Wan’s reaction to Qui-Gon’s death. This fourth installment of the Star Wars saga was a big disappointment, although, it gets more thumbs downs than The Attack of the Clones for some reason we do not know.

Number five is The Revenge of the Sith. The third in the series is action-packed and powerful, and it was far better than the first two prequels. Although, the story is hard to follow and really fast paced. Anakin and Padme’s love story is still really pathetic. This was a good movie, but not the best.

Number four is the legendary sixth movie, The Return of the Jedi. This movie has many great things about it, such as evil fighting teddy bears, a redemption of a fallen Jedi, the death of the person who started it all, a brand new Jedi, the death of a Jedi, and a romance that makes sense. I can go on. This movie deserves it’s place above the prequels for sure.

Number three is The Force Awakens. This movie deserves a medal. It has action like never before (well, there were six Star Wars movies before this), old and new characters, a desert planet, a fallen padawan (Kylo Ren, not Darth Vader), a scavenger, a stormtrooper with new intentions, an amazing pilot, the fall of a beloved character and the best of all: No love story (unless you count Han and Leia hugging). This movie is a great way to kick off a brand new Star Wars series.

Number two is the movie that started it all: A New Hope! This first (or fourth, depending on how you look at it) movie is definitely one of the best movies of all time. It introduces us to a world like no other “in a galaxy far, far away”, and it has great music. Although the effects aren’t stunning, they definitely deserve some credit for its time. I’ve been enjoying this movie for a long time now, and all I can say is “I have a good feeling about this.”

Number 1 is the best Star Wars movie of all time… The Empire Strikes Back! This movie is good in every way, going from Han saving Luke’s life to crazy Yoda eating Luke’s food. I enjoy this movie. Han is a hero, Luke is almost a Jedi, Ben is a force ghost, Leia is awesome, Vader takes the show away, Yoda is a wizard with the force, and the plot is just plain amazing. There’s a good fight scene, a great love story, sacrifice, secrets, the Force, and more. This second Star Wars movie deserves it’s place.

Why I Like The Phantom Menace Better Than The Attack of the Clones

If you are reading this article, you have most likely seen the world famous Star Wars series, from the 1977 blockbuster to The Force Awakens, which was in theaters for a while now. But today we are going to discuss the two most hated Star Wars movies of all time-The Phantom Menace and The Attack of the Clones.

You may be thinking, “Gee, this guy is crazy loving Phantom Menace better than Attack of the Clones.”, but I’m not. There is many things to be disappointed about. Like the fact that the all powerful Darth Vader asks if a random girl is “an angel”. The last movie in theaters he said, “You do not know the power of the dark side”, and now he is going around saying, “I’m a person and my name’s Anakin.” Still, there is plenty more factors to The Phantom Menace then comes to mind.


The Phantom Menace begins with two Jedi knights-a newby to our Star Wars minds, the master, Qui-Gon Jinn. Then we see our old buddy, Obi-Wan Kenobi, as we know as “Old Ben”. But he is fresh and new and ready for action. The pair work together to take down the separatists. But they can’t succeed without the help of the Naboo system, who are also enemies of the separatists. But Naboo is taken over by the separatists. The two Jedi, a peasant (also known as the queen in disguise), and everyone’s favorite droid, R2-D2 go on Tatooine to repair their ship. They soon run into a slave boy named “Anakin Skywalker”, who has a massive amount of Midichlorians, microscopic life forms in all life that contain an energy field called, “The Force”. Anakin uses his amazing flight skills to win the money for new parts of the ship. They soon go to Coruscant with Anakin to have him trained, but he is thought to be too dangerous to be trained at an age like his. They soon return to Naboo to win back their system, which leads to a fight between the Gungans and the battle droids, and a lightsaber duel to the death. Qui-Gon parishes, Obi-Wan defeats Maul (a sith apprentice), Anakin destroys a control center (and is excepted to be trained), shutting down all the battle droids. Though you want to fall asleep at parts, The Phantom Menace truly has a better story than its followup, The Attack of the Clones.

The Attack of the Clones is a different story. In fact, it’s hardly a story. Padme’ Amidala thought Anakin was cute back in Tatooine, but now their making out. The lines are unbelievably horrible, like “I’ve been dying a little bit every day since you  came back into my life.”, and “From the moment I met you, all those years ago, not a day has gone by when I haven’t thought of you. And now that I’m with you again… I’m in agony. The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. The thought of not being with you- I can’t breath. I’m haunted by the kiss that you should never have given me. My heart is beating… hoping that kiss will not become a scar. You are in my very soul, tormenting me… what can I do?- I will do anything you ask.”, and “I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth (Anakin touches Padme’).” I feel bad for everyone who read that. Anakin is a creepy teen, Padme’ is was a queen but was promoted (or demoted?) to a senator, Obi-Wan is fine, Yoda has feelings all of the sudden (“Senator Amidala, your tragedy on the landing platform, terrible. Seeing you alive brings warm feelings to my heart”), the awesome bounty hunter we all know and love is a boy clone and a big baby. Don’t forget all of Anakin’s awful  decisions, like leaving Naboo and going to Tatooine, going to Geonosis, flirting with a senator, back talking his master, making promises he can’t keep, marrying WHEN HE SWORE NOT TO, and most of all, being played by Hayden Christenson. That is why I prefer The Phantom Menace over The Attack of the Clones.

Top 10 Best Star Wars Characters

Star Wars is one of the most recognizable movie franchises of all time.  This franchise also holds some of the most iconic pop culture icons of all time. Today I will be counting down the top ten Star Wars characters.

  1. General Grievous

Leader of the Droid Army and one of Darth Sidious’ most trusted followers, General Grievous was beloved from the beginning. Grievous was injured in a crash and had to have his organs placed into a robotic body. The cyborg built a name for himself by slaughtering Jedi across the galaxy and taking their lightsabers. Trained by Count Dooku in lightsaber combat, he is a formidable foe in battle. The cyborg takes on Obi-Wan Kenobi in Revenge of the Sith. Although he was a worthy opponent, he was ultimately defeated by Kenobi, who shoots him down with a blaster.

  1. Mace Windu

Although Mace Windu’s role in the Star Wars universe is relatively small, he is a fan-favorite of the prequels. It is easy to see his fan appeal. Mace Windu is played by Samuel L. Jackson, one of the most popular actors of all time. The character himself is a calm but strict member of the Jedi Council. He is the second-in-command, but arguably the most influential member of the council. Mace Windu kills Jango Fett and beats out Darth Sidious in a duel. He also carries a one-of-a-kind purple lightsaber and speaks iconic lines such as “This party’s over” and “You’re under arrest, my lord”. Sadly, Mace Windu was killed due to an interference by Anakin Skywalker (in his final steps to becoming Darth Vader) that resulted in the beloved Jedi master being blasted out of the window by lightning. Way to go, Anakin.

  1. Boba Fett

Boba Fett is a mystery breakout star. No one really knows why he’s so awesome, he just is. Maybe because he stands his ground against Darth Vader and uses logic to earn his bounties? Maybe because he says about four lines across the trilogy and still manages to be quoted more than almost every other character? Your guess is as good as mine.

  1. Princess Leia

Princess Leia Organa, the princess of Alderaan, adopted daughter of Bail Organa, and significant leader of the rebellion is a powerful character. Interrogated relentlessly by the villainous Darth Vader, her strong will keeps her going no matter how awful the situation gets. When Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C3PO, R2D2, and Ben Kenobi come to rescue her from the Death Star, she does more than Luke does. She actually was more helpful than the main character of the film! I think that’s enough to justify her placement on this list.

  1. Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious/The Emperor

How can the big baddie who had a fifty-year long plan and who screwed everyone over go forgotten? Sidious/Palpatine/The Emperor was trained by ancient Sith lord Darth Plagueis in the ways of the dark side. Sidious’ accomplishments include killing his master, fooling everyone, training three known apprentices, killing three Jedi in fifteen seconds, managing to hold power for around forty years, causing the destruction of the Jedi, defeating Yoda, toying with people’s emotions, and reforming the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire WITH THE SENATE’S PERMISSION. Seriously, this dude can fire force lightning from his fingertips. His downfall could’ve been easily prevented. He probably planned for THAT, too.

  1. Yoda

“No. Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.”

Ah, Yoda. Everyone loves talking in a Yoda voice. In fact, I will talk in one from now on.

Tutor he was, to not only Luke Skywalker, but Count Dooku and Mace Windu as well. Powerful, is he in the force. Successfully deflected force lightning twice, he has. Many flips, he does. Decapitate two clone troopers, he does. Wonder why he’s here, do you still? Lift up an x-wing with the force, he did. Run the Jedi Council, he did. Lose hope, he did not. Trained two headstrong Skywalkers, he did. Questions you have, hmm?

  1. Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi is the ultimate Jedi master. Kenobi has had more wins than Yoda and Anakin. Obi-Wan has defeated Darth Maul, General Grievous, and Darth Vader in battle. Being one of the two surviving Jedi Council members (the other being Yoda), he had the skill to survive twenty years undetected on Darth Vader’s home planet. Plus, he kept his last name. Where’s the logic there? He sacrifices himself so that he can be a spiritual guide to Luke on his journey to dismantle the Empire. He is perhaps the most powerful and flawless Jedi in the Council.

  1. Han Solo

PEW! What was that, you ask? Han shooting first, of course. The smuggler-turned-hero is certainly one of the top three beloved Star Wars characters of all time. Do I even need to explain this one? No? I will anyway.

Han’s compelling bad boy personality is perfectly delivered by stellar actor Harrison Ford throughout the films. His character development is easily the best in Star Wars, as you watch a fearless, witty smuggler develop into a loving, reasonable rebel. Han also introduces us to Chewbacca, the Millennium Falcon, and Lando. Famous lines of his include (in response to Leia’s “I love you.”) “I know”, “Laugh it up, fuzzball”, “I have a bad feeling about this”, “Chewie, we’re home”, “Who are you calling scruffy-looking”, etc.

  1. Luke Skywalker

I can feel your anger as you read “2. Luke Skywalker”. The only reason he is second is because the story is not about him. So shut up.

Luke starts as a whiny brat and is molded by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda into a reckless Jedi that takes redeems his father, Anakin. However, his most compelling factor is his ability to fail. No one likes a story where the hero constantly wins. Luke fails to defeat Vader in Empire, which makes his victory in Jedi far more effective. He is ultimately the hero of the originals, but the true hero of the saga remains.

  1. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

Frankly, you already knew he would be number one. However, he is not number one because of the originals. And certainly not because of the prequels. The Star Wars saga focuses on Anakin’s turn to the dark side and eventual redemption. The number one isn’t supposed to be surprising.

In The Phantom Menace, Jake Lloyd plays an awful Anakin. However, we are introduced to him and begin to see the force potential. Midichlorians suck, but at least we have a way of knowing his force potential.  He is rumored to be “the chosen one”.

In Attack of the Clones, Anakin is given a more matured character who is very emotionally unstable. At 19 years old, Anakin slaughters sand people after his mother’s death and acts like a creep. In the end, he marries the love of his life and his life is all great…

Revenge of the Sith is the turning point. Anakin must save Padme from death. Therefore, he slaughters a bunch of younglings and Jedi and gets his legs cut off. This movie was the best of the trilogy, though.

A New Hope brings back Anakin as the cyborg Darth Vader who tortures Leia, kills Obi-Wan, and blow up rebels with a tie fighter. By this time, Vader has completely taken control and becomes a pop icon.

Empire sees Vader at his peak as he hires bounty hunters and reveals that he is Luke’s father. In this film, Vader cuts off Luke’s hand and deflects blaster bolts with his hands.

Finally, Jedi sees Vader redeem himself and kill the Emperor. Vader reverts back to Anakin Skywalker and visits Luke as a force ghost.

Anakin’s arc takes him from being a whiny, innocent slave boy to an evil cyborg, and then back to being a good man. Overall, Anakin is the most influential character in the saga, as the focus lies on his birth, turn, and redemption.



That was my top ten Star Wars characters! I hope you enjoyed it!